At Natures Fodder we are dedicated to providing an organic, sustainable, and environmentally friendly nutritional supplement to equestrian communities.


1. Can Nature’s Fodder replace all other feed?

We recommend that in most cases that fodder be used in conjunction with a balanced feeding program. It can most certainly replace a certain amount of existing feed and reduce costs in most cases

2. What changes do I need to make to my existing feed program?

We recommend that you drop 1 lb of hard feed for every 6lbs of Natures Fodder. We most definitely recommend that you reduce the horses hay intake. Swapping out dead grass (hay) of dubious nature for fresh living feed is a positive step towards optimal health and maximum

3. How much should I feed my horses?

We recommend 3-10 pounds per day depending on your horses and the amount of activities they are involved in.

4. What’s the best way to feed it to my horses?

Initially introducing the horse to Natures Fodder should be done when they are hungry. With a full bin of feed, horses tend (most times) to stick with what they know. If the horse is in a grassy paddock we recommend feeding it in a solid block on the ground. In a stable scenario, we recommend breaking it up and placing it into a dedicated feed bin that we supply on the ground. The importance of feeding on the ground or low to it should not be understated.

5. How long will it take for my horses to start eating Nature’s Fodder?

Some horses will nearly knock you down for the product immediately. Some will have a few nibbles and walk away and some will totally ignore it the first time. Within a few days, every horse will be whinnying and nickering for the product when they see the delivery person arrive. Never have we had any instance of a horse (or any other grass eating animal) not love Nature’s Fodder. The most stubborn may even take a week but once they start, they becomes our most eager customer.

6. How long before I start to see results?

Typically you will see an appreciable difference in your horses around 14 days into feeding. Quality fresh nutrition has an immediate impact on horses and Nature’s Fodder is at the top of the nutrition spectrum.

7. What changes will I see?

After 14 days of eating Nature’s Fodder daily you will see an obvious difference in your horses coat. Within 30 days you will start to see the horse add healthy condition and in many cases after 6 weeks the horse will start to ‘dapple up’. We have had many reports from riders stating that the horse felt ‘different’ meaning it was more responsive and less stressed.

8. Are there any side effects?

Nature’s Fodder Sprouted Barley is organic, Non-GMO and produced with zero chemicals, the only side effects will be Great Health

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